SALDi Publikationen (Stand: Juni 2024)
- Baade, J., I. Aucamp, A. Collett, F. Eckardt, R. Funk, C. Glotzbach, J. von Holdt, F. Kestel, J. Knot, A. Lombard, T. Morgenthal, A. Msipa & J. J. Le Roux (2024): Soil erosion, research and soil conservation policy in South Africa. In: von Maltitz, G., G. Midgley, J. Veitch, C. Brümmer, R. Rötter, F. Viehberg & M. Veste (Eds.), Sustainability of southern African ecosystems under global change: Science for management and policy interventions. Cham: Springer. pp. 335-368. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_13Externer Link (open access)
- Baade, J., U. Gessner, E. Hahndiek, C. Harmse, S. Hill, A. Hirner, N. Maruping-Mzileni, I. Otte, C. Pathe, P. Renner, K. Schellenberg, S. Selvaraj, M. Urban, Z. Zhang & C. Schmullius (2024): Observational support for regional policy implementation – land surface change under anthropogenic and climate pressure in SALDi study sites. In: von Maltitz, G., G. Midgley, J. Veitch, C. Brümmer, R. Rötter, F. Viehberg & M. Veste (Eds.), Sustainability of southern African ecosystems under global change: Science for management and policy interventions. Ecological Studies. Cham: Springer. pp. 845-877. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_29Externer Link (open access)
- Schmullius, C., U. Gessner, I. Otte, M. Urban, G. Chirima, M. A. Cho, K. Heckel, S. Hill, A. Hirner, P. Kluter, N. Mashiyi, O. Mutanga, A. Ramoelo, A. Skowno, J. Slingsby & J. Baade (2024): A new era of Earth observation for the environment – Spatio-temporal monitoring capabilities for land degradation. In: von Maltitz, G., G. Midgley, J. Veitch, C. Brümmer, R. Rötter, F. Viehberg & M. Veste (Eds.), Sustainability of southern African ecosystems under global change: Science for management and policy interventions. Cham: Springer. pp. 689-728. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_24Externer Link (open access)
- Zhang, Z., P. Laux, J. Baade, J. Arnault, J. Wei, X. Wang, S. Shang, T. Marthews, C. Schmullius & H. Kunstmann (2024): Sensitivity of joint atmospheric-terrestrial water balance simulations to soil representation: Convection-permitting coupled WRF-Hydro simulations for southern Africa. - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 355, 110127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110127Externer Link (open access)
- Zhang, Z., P. Laux, J. Baade, H. Moutahir & H. Kunstmann (2024): Regional land-atmosphere interactions in southern Africa: potential impact and sensitivity of forest and plantations modification. In: von Maltitz, G., G. Midgley, J. Veitch, C. Brümmer, R. Rötter, F. Viehberg & M. Veste (Eds.), Sustainability of southern African ecosystems under global change: Science for management and policy interventions. Cham: Springer. pp. 259-274. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_10Externer Link (open access)
- Zhang Z., P. Laux, A. Joel, J. Baade, C. Schmullius, J. Wei, X. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Kunstmann (2023): Impact of alternative soil data sources on the uncertainties in simulated land-atmosphere interactions. - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 339, 109565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109565Externer Link (open access)
- keine Publikationen
- Heckel, K., M. Urban, J.-S. Bouffard, J. Baade, P. Boucher, A. Davies, E. G. Hockridge, W. Lück, J. Ziemer, I. Smit, B. Jacobs, M. Norris-Rogers & C. Schmullius (2021): The first sub-meter resolution digital elevation model of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. - Koedoe; Vol 63, No 1 (2021). https://doi.org/10.4102/koedoe.v63i1.1679Externer Link (Open-Access)
- Muumbe, T. P., J. Baade, J. Singh, C. Schmullius & C. Thau (2021): Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Vegetation Analyses with a Special Focus on Savannas. - Remote Sensing, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13030507Externer Link (Open-Access)
- Nghiyalwa, H. S., M. Urban, J. Baade, I. P. J. Smit, A. Ramoelo, B. Mogonong & C. Schmullius (2021): Spatio-Temporal Mixed Pixel Analysis of Savanna Ecosysrems: A Rview. - Remote Sensing, 13(19). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13193870Externer Link (Open-Access)
- Urban, M., K. Schellenberg, T. Morgenthal, C. Dubois, A. Hirner, U. Gessner, B. Mogonong, Z. Zhang, J. Baade, A. Collett & C. Schmullius (2021): Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Slangbos Mapping in the Free State Province, South Africa. - Remote Sensing, 13(17), 3342. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13173342Externer Link (Open Access)
- Baade, J. & C. Schmullius (2020): Local Validation and Comparison of Global Digital Elevation Models using a Large Assembly of GNSS Ground Measurements. - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings, IGARSS 2020, Proceedings, 5222-5225. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324695 Externer Link
- Berger, C., H. Lux, M. Urban, C. Schmullius, J. Baade, C. Thiel, C. Wigley-Coetsee & I. Smit (2020): Annual Grass Biomass Mapping with Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data over Kruger National Park. - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2020, Proceedings, 4323-4326. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324413Externer Link
- Ndyamboti, K., J. du Toit, J. Baade, A. Kaiser, M. Urban, C. Schmullius, C. Thiel & C. Berger (2020): A multi-scale remote sensing approach to understanding vegetation dynamics in the Nama Karoo-Grassland ecotone of South Africa. - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2020, Proceedings, 4501-4504. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9323460Externer Link
- Schmullius, C., M. Urban, A. Hirner, C. Berger, K. Schellenberg, A. Ramoelo, I. Smit, T. Strydom, G. Chirima, T. Morgenthal, B. Melly, U. Gessner & J. Baade (2020): Earth Observation Strategies for Degradation Monitoring in South Africa with the Sentinels - Results from the SPACES II SALDi-Project. - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2020, Proceedings, 4783-4786. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.932361Externer Link
- Urban, M., K. Heckel, C. Berger, P. Schratz, I. P. J. Smit, T. Strydom, J. Baade & C. Schmullius (2020a): Woody Cover Mapping in the Savanna Ecosystem of the Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1 Time Series and LiDAR Data. [datasets and workflows] - Zenodo. [doi:10.5281/zenodo.3728185 / available online: 2020-03-26, Open Access, Link to data repositoryExterner Link]
- Urban, M., K. Heckel, C. Berger, P. Schratz, I. P. J. Smit, T. Strydom, J. Baade & C. Schmullius (2020b): Woody Cover Mapping in the Savanna Ecosystem of the Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Data. - Koedoe, 62(1), a1621.
https://doi.org/10.4102/koedoe.v62i1.1621Externer Link (Open Access)
SALDi Konferenzbeiträge (Stand: Aug. 2023)
SPACES EMSAfrica & SALDi contributors @ SSNM 2019 in Skukuza, KNP, South Africa
Foto: SALDi 20202023
2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 16 - 21 2023, Pasadena, USA
- Baade, J., K. Zoller & J. Le Roux (2023): Using Open Access Space-borne Digital Elevation Models - Implications for Uncertainties in Soil Erosion by Water Assessments, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2023. Pasadena, California, USA.
EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023
- Baade, J., K. Zoller & J. Le Roux (2023): Soil loss by water erosion assessment uncertainties – experiences from South Africa, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria.
Savanna Science Network Meeting 2023. Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa
- Baade, J., C. Schmullius, K. Heckel, H. S. Nghiyalwa, T. P. Muumbe, C. Pathe, M. Wolsza, K. Zoller, U. Gessner, A. Hirner, S. Hill, I. Otte, H. Kunstmann, P. Laux, Z. Zhang, C. Glotzbach, I. P. J. Smit & T. Strydom (2023): Summarizing CO-LD-EMS Results on Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments, Savanna Science Network Meeting 2023. Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
- Baade, J., K. Zoller, T. Strydom & N. Maruping-Mzileni (2023): Revisiting gully stabilization measures in Mokala National Park using UAV surveys, Savanna Science Network Meeting 2023. Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
- Muumbe, T. P., J. Singh, C. Thau, J. Baade, P. Raumonen, T. Strydom & C. Schmullius (2023): Individual tree-scale aboveground biomass estimation of woody vegetation in a semi-arid savanna using 3D data Savanna Science Network Meeting 2023. Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
- Ndyamboti, K. S., J. du Toit, K. Heckel, J. Baade, C. Schmullius & C. Thau (2023): The influence of vegetation phenology on the accuracy of digital terrain models derived from photogrammetric point cloud data: An analysis of UAV time-series data, Savanna Science Network Meeting 2023. Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
- Schmullius, C., U. Gessner, T. P. Muumbe, H. S. Nghiyalwa, K. Heckel, I. Otte, S. Hill, A. Hirner, C. Pathe, T. Strydom, N. Maruping-Mzileni & J. Baade (2023): Spatio-temporal monitoring capabilities for land degradation within the SANParks Project CO-LD-EMS: Activities and Findings from Sentinel-1 and -2 Time-Series since 2015 Savanna Science Network Meeting 2023. Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 23–27 May 2022.
- Otte, I., S. Hill, A. Hirner, M. Urban, M. Kganyago, N. Mashiyi, A. Mlisa, M. Schwinger, M. Thiel, U. Gessner, C. Schmullius & J. Baade (2022): Development of earth observation data cubes for monitoring land degradation processes in South Africa. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022. Bonn: ESA.
EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria 23–27 May 2022.
- Baade, J., K. Zoller, W. van Zyl & H. Cawthra (2022): Reservoir siltation mapping uncertainties - experiences from South Africa. EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9930Externer Link
- Zhang, Z., P. Laux, J. Arnault, J. Baade, M. Urban, C. Schmullius & H. Kunstmann (2022): Presentation of a high-resolution present-day joint atmosphere-land surface-hydrology simulation dataset for South Africa. EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10349Externer Link
Savanna Science Network Meeting, Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa, 6 - 10 March 2022
- Baade, J. (2022): Monitoring Gully Erosion in Kruger National Park using TLS - The fourth assessment.
- Baade, J., C. Schmullius, K. Heckel, H. S. Nghiyalwa, T. P. Muumbe, C. Thau, M. Urban, U. Gessner, A. Hirner, S. Hill, I. Otte, H. Kunstmann, P. Laux, Z. Zhang, C. Glotzbach, I. P. J. Smit & T. Strydom (2022): Recent CO-LD-EMS Activities - Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments.
- Hirner, A., M. Urban, F. Thonfeld, C. Schmullius, J. Baade, I. P. J. Smit, T. Strydom & U. Gessner (2022): Assessment of Vegetation Cover with Earth Observation Data in Savannas of Southern Africa – first results for the Southern Kruger National Park.
- Muumbe, T. P., J. Singh, C. Thau, J. Baade, T. Strydom & C. Schmullius (2022): Above Ground Biomass Estimation of Savanna trees and shrubs through 3D reconstructions.
- Ndyamboti, K. S., J. du Toit, K. Heckel, J. Baade, C. Schmullius & C. Thau (2022): Assessing UAV photogrammetric point cloud data for DTM generation in the Eastern-Upper Karoo, South Africa.
- Nghiyalwa, H. S., M. Urban, J. Baade, A. Ramoelo, I. P. J. Smit, B. Mogonong & C. Schmullius (2022): Highlights from a Review on Spatio-Temporal Mixed Pixel Analysis of Savanna Ecosystems.
- Schmullius, C., M. Urban, K. Heckel, T. P. Muumbe, H. S. Nghiyalwa, A. Hirner, U. Gessner, J. Baade, I. Otte, S. Hill, A. Ramoelo, I. P. J. Smit & T. Strydom (2022): Earth Observation Strategies for Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments - CO-LD-EMS Activities and Findings from Sentinel-1 and -2 Time-Series since 2015.
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 11 - 16 2021, Brussels, Belgium
- Urban, M. A. Hirner, J. Ziemer, M. M. Mueller, U. Gessner, J. Baade, B. Mogonong, T. Morgenthal, G. Feig, A. Ramoelo, K. Heckel, H. S. Nghiyalwa & C. Schmullius (2021): entinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Breakpoint Detection as Part of the South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDi), 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, pp. 1997-2000. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553331
European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2021, 25 - 30 April, 2021, Vienna, Austria.
- Session ITS2.9/SSS3: Land degradation in savanna environments - assessments, dynamics and implications
| Virtual PICOConvener: Jussi Baade, Co-conveners: Jay J. Le Roux, Theunis Morgenthal, Hilma Nangula Nghiyalwa - Baade, J., Le Roux, J. J., Morgenthal, T., and Nghiyalwa, H. S. (2021): Land degradation in savanna environments - assessments, dynamics and implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15264, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15264Externer Link
- Baade, J., Schmullius, C., Urban, M., Kunstmann, H., Laux, P., Zhang, Z., Glotzbach, C., Gessner, U., Hirner, A., Kluter, P., Otte, I., Aucamp, I., Chirima, G., Abd Elbasit, M., Morgenthal, T., Smit, I., Strydom, T., Le Roux, J. J., von Maltitz, G., and Msibe, T. (2021): South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDI) – An overview of recent advancements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12808. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12808Externer Link
- Otte, I., Mashiyi, N., Kluter, P., Hill, S., Hirner, A., Eberle, J., Urban, M., Mlisa, A., Kganyago, M., Schwinger, M., Gessner, U., Schmullius, C., and Baade, J. (2021): Development of earth observation data cubes for monitoring land degradation processes in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14349. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14349Externer Link
- Schmullius, C., Urban, M., Heckel, K., Nghiyalwa, H. S., Hirner, A., Gessner, U., Ramoelo, A., Smit, I., Strydom, T., Chirima, G., Morgenthal, T., Feig, G., Mashiyi, N., Mlisa, A., and Baade, J. (2021): Earth Observation Strategies for degradation monitoring in South Africa with Sentinels – Results from the SPACES 2 SALDi-project , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15198. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15198Externer Link
- Urban, M., Schellenberg, K., Morgenthal, T., Dubois, C., Hirner, A., Gessner, U., Zhang, Z., Mogonong, B., Baade, J., and Schmullius, C. (2021): Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Slangbos Encroachment Mapping in the Free State Province, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3004Externer Link
- Zhang, Z., Laux, P., Arnault, J., Wei, J., Baade, J., Urban, M., and Kunstmann, H. (2021): Evaluating the role of soil physical properties on simulated land-atmosphere interactions over South Africa using coupled atmosphere-hydrological modeling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9418. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9418Externer Link
Savanna Science Network Meeting 2021, 7 - 11 March 2021, Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa (canceled on 2021-02-03)
- Baade, J, A Kaiser, C Schmullius, C Thau, M Urban, TP Muumbe, HN Nghiyalwa, K Ndyamboti, U Gessner, A Hirner, IPJ Smit & T Strydom, T. (sub.): In situ Measurements on Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments – CO-LD-EMS Second Years Activities.
- Muumbe, TP, C Thau, M Urban, J Baade, T Strydom & C Schmullius, C (sub): Comparison of Tree Volume Reconstruction Algorithms to estimate Above Ground Biomass of Savanna Vegetation from TLS Point Clouds. (in cooperation with EMSAfrica)
- Nghiyalwa HS, M Urban , J Henschel, H van der Merwe, G Feig, J Baade & C Schmullius (sub.): Multi-temporal metrics from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 to analyse mixed pixel in a savanna biome.
- Ndyamboti, KS, J du Toit, A Kaiser, C Thau, M Urban, J Baade & C Schmullius (sub): Ultra-high spatial resolution UAV data as an alternative to field-data collection for upscaling savanna woody fractional vegetation cover in the Bushbuckridge area using Sentinel 1/2 data. (in cooperation with EMSAfrica).
- Urban, M, K Heckel, J Baade, T Strydom, A Hirner, I P J Smit, U Gessner & C Schmullius (sub.): Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Surface Moisture and Vegetation Dynamics using Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 time series for the southern Kruger National Park and surrounding areas.
SPACES II Virtual Midterm Meeting, 21 Oct. 2020
- Baade, J on behalf of SALDi Consortium (2020): SALDi – South African Land Degradation Monitor Joint Project Status Report 2018-2020. (Oral presentation).
- Baade, J, A Kaiser, M Geissler, C Schmullius, M Urban, H Kunstmann, P Laux, Z Zhang, C Glotzbach, U Gessner, A Hirner, H Asamer, I Aucamp, G Chirima, M Abd Elbasit, I Smit, T Strydom, A van Niekerk, J le Roux, M Cho, G von Maltitz, T Msibe, E Hahndiek, B Melly, T Morgenthal (2020): South African Land Degradation Monitor — A project overview. (Download Poster)pdf, 3 mb · en
- The SALDi Consortium Team Members (2020): SALDi – South African Land Degradation Monitor Project Status Report 2018-2020. Additional material. (Download pdf-document, 9 MB)pdf, 9 mb
2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 26 Sep. - 2 Oct. 2020, Virtual Symposium
(for extended abstracts see our publication list above)- Baade, J & C Schmullius (2020): Local Validation and Comparison of Global Digital Elevation Models using a Large Assembly of GNSS Ground Measurements.
- Berger, C, H Lux, M Urban, C Schmullius, J Baade, C Thiel, C Wigley-Coetsee & I Smit (2020): Annual Grass Biomass Mapping with Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data over Kruger National Park.
- Ndyamboti, K, J du Toit, J Baade, A Kaiser, M Urban, C Schmullius, C Thiel, C Berger (2020): A multi-scale remote sensing approach to understanding vegetation dynamics in the Nama Karoo-Grassland ecotone of South Africa.
- Schmullius, C, M Urban, A Hirner, C Berger, K Schellenberg, A Ramoelo, I Smit, T Strydom, G Chirima, T Morgenthal, B Melly, U Gessner & J Baade (2020): Earth Observation Strategies for Degradation Monitoring in South Africa with the Sentinels - Results from the SPACES II SALDi-Project.
European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020. EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online at a glance, 4 - 8 May 2020, Virtual Symposium
- Baade, J, A Kaiser, M Geissler, C Schmullius, M Urban, H Kunstmann, P Laux, Z Zhang, C Glotzbach, U Gessner, A Hirner, H Asamer, I Aucamp, G Chirima, M Elbasit, I Smit, T Strydom, A van Niekerk, J le Roux, M A Cho, G von Maltitz & T Msibe (2020): South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDI) – A German - South African SPACES collaboration to advance land degradation assessments. link to EGU2020-21870_presentation.pdfExterner Link
- Kaiser, A, M Geissler, J le Roux, M Stander, G van Zijl & J Baade (2020): Simulating heavy rainfall events for parameterizing a first application of the physically based soil erosion model EROSION3D in South Africa. link to EGU2020-18155_presentation.pdfExterner Link
- Zhang, Z, J Arnault, P Laux, J Baade & H Kunstmann (2020): Assessing the interactions of atmosphere and land surface over South Africa with convective-permitting coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling. link to EGU2020-17772_presentation.pdfExterner Link
Savanna Science Network Meeting 2020, 2 - 6 March 2020, Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa
- Baade, J, A Kaiser, M Geißler, C Schmullius, C Berger, M Urban, U Gessner, A Hirner, H Asamer, C Glotzbach, I P J Smit & T Strydom (2020): In situ Measurements on Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments – CO-LD-EMS First Years Activities.
- Geißler, M, H Cawthra, A Kaiser, G Daut & J Baade (2020): The connection between land use change and catchment scale soil erosion derived from reservoir siltation data across South Africa.
- Kaiser, A, M Geißler, T Strydom & J Baade (2020): Rainfall and runoff experiments to learn about the erodibility of soils within the southern part of Kruger National Park, South Africa.
- Schmullius, C, C Berger, M Urban, A Hirner, H Asamer, U Gessner, J Baade, A Kaiser, A Ramoelo, I P J Smit & T Strydom (2020): Earth Observation Strategies for Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments - CO-LD-EMS 1st-Year Activities and Findings from Sentinel-1 and -2 Time-Series since 2015.
- Urban, M, C Berger, K Heckel, J Baade, T Strydom, I P J Smit & C Schmullius (2020): Surface Moisture Monitoring using Sentinel-1 time series information and in situ data as part of the South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDi).
Future Perspectives of Earth Observation, 2nd Symposium on applied Earth Observation Methods, 12 - 13 Nov. 2019, Cologne, Deutschland
- Baade, J, A Kaiser, M Geißler, C Schmullius, M Urban, H Kunstmann, P Laux, Z Zhang, C Glotzbach, U Gessner, A Hirner, H Asamer, I Aucamp, G Chirima, MAM Abd Elbasit, I Smit, T Strydom, A van Niekerk, J Le Roux, MA Cho, G von Maltitz, T Msibe, E Hahndiek & B Melly (2019): South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDI) – A new German - South African SPACES collaboration to advance land degradation assessments.
- Urban, M, C Schmullius, K Heckel, C Berger, F Cremer, W Lück, T Strydom, IPJ Smit, B Melly & J Baade (2019): Monitoring Surface Moisture Dynamics as Part of a South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDi), Future Perspectives of Earth Observation,
2019 Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG), 16 - 17 Sep. 2019, Chintsa, Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Baade, J, A Kaiser, M Geißler, C Schmullius, M Urban, H Kunstmann, P Laux, C Glotzbach, U Gessner, A Hirner, H Asamer, I Aucamp, G Chirima, M A M Abd Elbasit, I Smit, T Strydom, A van Niekerk, J Le Roux, M A Cho, G von Maltitz, T Msibe & E Hahndiek (2019): South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDI) – A new German - South African SPACES collaboration to advance land degradation assessments.
- Geißler, M, G Daut, H Cawthra, A Kaiser & J Baade (2019): Reservoir siltation surveys as proxy for catchment scale soil erosion estimations.
- Reinwarth, B., E S Ridell, R Petersen, C. Glotzbach, J le Roux & J Baade (2019): Reservoir siltation, contemporary erosion and longer term denudation in Kruger National Park – Final results.
- Kaiser, A, M Geißler, M Stander, J le Roux, G van Zijl & J Baade (2019): First experiences with a physically-based erosion modelling approach in South African catchments using EROSION 3D.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 13 - 17 May 2019, Milano, Italy
- Heckel, K, M Urban, J S Bouffard, W Lück, M Norris-Rogers, C Berger & C Schmullius (2019): Creation of a very high-resolution Digital Surface Model of the Kruger National Park from CDNGI aerial imagery using PCI GXL.
- Schmullius, C, U Gessner, J Baade, C Berger, M Urban, G Chirima & I P J Smit (2019): SALDI-EMSAfrica-COLDEMS: A Cooperative Remote Sensing Project between German and South African Partners.
- Urban, M, C Berger, K Heckel, P Schratz & C Schmullius (2019): Woody Cover Classification in the Savanna Ecosystem of the Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1 Time Series.
- Urban, M, C Berger, T E Mudau, K Heckel, T Strydom, I P J Smit, J Baade & C Schmullius (2019): Surface Moisture Monitoring as part of a South African Degradation Monitor (SALDi) – early results.
Savanna Science Network Meeting 2019, 3 - 7 Mar. 2019, Skukuza, Mpumalanga, South Africa
- Baade, J, C Schmullius, C Berger, U Gessner, C Glotzbach & T Strydom (2019): CO-LD-EMS – Remote sensing and Ground Truthing of Land Surface Dynamics in Pristine Environments – An Introduction.
- Baade, J, C Schmullius, H Kunstmann, P Laux, C Glotzbach, U Gessner, I Aucamp, G Chirima, M Elbasit, I Smit, T Strydom, A van Niekerk, J Kemp, J Le Roux, R Mathieu & T Msibe (2019): South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDI) – A new SPACES collaboration to advance land degradation assessments.
4th National Conference on Global Change, 3 - 6 Dec. 2018, Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa
- Baade, J, C Schmullius, H Kunstmann, P Laux, C Glotzbach, U Gessner, I Aucamp, G Chirima, M Elbasit, I Smit, T Strydom, A van Niekerk, J Kemp, J le Roux, R Mathieu & T Msibe (2018): South African Land Degradation Monitor (SALDI) – A new German – South African SPACES collaboration to advance land degradation assessments.
Bericht über SALDi im Magazin Quest (2019)
Das südafrikanische Wissenschaftsmagazin Quest, herausgegeben von der Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAF), berichtet in einem Feature über das SALDi Projekt in seiner Ausgabe 2019 (15/2) ab Seite 20 (link: Scarred earth - monitoring land degradation (journals.co.za)Externer Link. Zudem steht der Beitragpdf, 525 kb hier zur Verfügung.
Baade et al. (2019) Kurzfassung (extended abstract)
Dieser Link erlaubt den Zugriff auf die ausführliche Kurzfassung (extended abstract)pdf, 227 kb · en, die zu den Proceedings der 4. Nationalen Global Change Konferenz in Polokwane, Südafrika, im Dezember 2019 eingereicht wurde.
SPACES II Brochure (Mar. 2022)
Die im Dezember 2021 fertig gestellt SPACES II Broschüre steht auf der SPACESII-Seite des FONA-Programms des BMBF zum Download zur Verfügung (s. Mehr erfahren).