SP1.1: Coordination

The SPACES2 joint project SALDi is coordinated by the SALDi working group at the Physical Geography faculty of the FSU Jena under the leadership of PD Dr. Jussi Baade.
  • Aims of the Coordination
    Dried out and silted up reservoir exemplifying off-site damages from land degradation
    Dried out and silted up reservoir exemplifying off-site damages from land degradation
    Image: J. Baade 2018

    The overall goal of the coordination is to successfully coordinate the joint project for the benefit of all involved. This includes the joint external presentation, joint field work, annual project meetings, any annual project reports as well as joint publications on all sub-projects.  In addition, the coordination also organises the two planned SALDi summer schools.

  • Joint Field Work
    LandCare Ladybrand
    LandCare Ladybrand
    Image: J. Baade 2019

    Joint field campaigns in the six study areas in South Africa to collect in-situ data are a central aspect for the project-internal cooperation and the exchange of experience also with the South African partners.

    List of the field work campaigns

    • Field work campaign I: March - April 2019 
    • Field work campaign II: September - October 2019
    • Field work campaign III: March 2020 (disrupted on March, 25, due to lockdown in South Africa)
  • Annual Joint Project Meetings

    The coordination organises the annual project work meetings in cooperation with the project partners.

    • The first project meeting, the SALDi Kick-off Meeting, took place in March 2019 at the Agricultural Research Council, Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ARC-ISCW) in Pretoria, South Africa.
    • The first annual national SALDi Project Meeting was hosted by our colleagues from the DLR at Oberpfaffenhofen on 21.10.2019.
    • The second annual national SALDi Project Meeting took place on 23.7.2020 as a Teleconference. Due to the COVID-19 situation it is unclear if we will be able to organize a face-to-face meeting in person. 
    SALDi Kick-off Meeting ARC 2019
    SALDi Kick-off Meeting ARC 2019
    Image: SALDi 2019
  • Annual Joint Project Reports
    Joint Project Report
    Joint Project Report
    Image: Jussi Baade/FSU








    In addition to the mandatory annual subproject reports, the coordination prepares a joint project report based on the input from the subprojects in English.

    • The Joint Project Report 2018 was submitted at the end of April 2019. Due to the rather short reporting period this report just had 8 pages.
    • The Joint Project Report 2019 was submitted at the end of April 2020 covering 44 pages.
    • The Joint Project Report 2020 was submitted at the end of April 2021 covering 66 pages.
  • Joint Publications

    In order to document the close cooperation between the project partners, joint publications are planned in which first the research approach and later the synergetic results are presented. 

SALDi Team Coordination

  1. Baade, Jussi, PD Dr SALDi Coordinator und Subproject Lead (PI)
    Chair of Physical Geography

    Room 206
    Löbdergraben 32
    07743 Jena

    Portrait Dr. J. Baade
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU